Brenus Pharma, French ambassador Boosters !
Last night we received the hashtagHealthcare 💙🤍❤️ award from Business France, who are constantly and effectively committed to strengthening our international attractiveness and promoting our mission to meet the needs of patients, in France and beyond borders.

We are honored to be recognized among a core group of innovative companies that share common values and goals in presence of the Minister Delegate in charge of Foreign Trade, Attractiveness, the Francophonie and the French Abroad Franck Riester and Business France CEO Laurent Saint-Martin. 👏 Benjamin HubertJavelot | Adrien VIVESVelou | Florence ROBINLimatech | Laure BOURDONHaffner Energy

Thank you to Business France Healthcare – North America teams who have been supporting us in the North American market for several years.
Thank you to all jury members, partners (cc Sabrina Murphy, Mazars), and institutions behind this support. ⬇️
ChooseFrance hashtagOsezlexport hashtagTeamFranceExport